Make a difference

Seraph Oyinkansola Grace Olorunfunmi

1kings 15:4 “Nevertheless for David’s sake did the Lord his God give him a lamp in Jerusalem, to set up his son after him, and to establish Jerusalem”.

A radiant life has the ability to influence people to achieve great goals. We do not need to hold a big public office before we can influence others to do good and and live godly. Pious live speak more potently than a multitude of words.

The force of a character is clearly demonstrated in the life of David.
In considering character and skill, Character comes first.
Faithfulness is better than than great ability. Dishonest leasders breed dishonest followers.Your attitude is either your best friend or your worst enemy; your greatest assests or your greatest liability. Individual can be transformed, not by intimidation or coercion, but by radiant godly lifestyle. And this is not possible without God.

Character transformation comes through repentance and acceptance of Christ as personal Lord and Savior. Man is the only known creature of God that can be remolded through the Grace of God.

The greatest obstacle to spiritual rediscovery is self. Self must bow to God’s will and allow His Grace to produce wholesome transformation in us. If you desire Character transformation, you must humble yourself and allow the Grace of God to work in you.

After you are changed, then pray for God’s Grace to enable you influence others to love Him like you do. You need sustenance through fellowship with other Christians and daily communion with God in His word and prayer.
So, start living the brighter life today.
Be a burning and a shining light for others to see…

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