“The Power Of C&S Hymnals” by Seraph Oguntayo Olamide

Our hymnal (Cherubim and Seraphim hymn) is a blessing to us. It brings down the presence of God and lifts the spirit up going. I realized they are more than written words or lyrics. The hymn helps deal with whatever situation I might find myself and is very powerful when sang in the spirit.

Hymns are so powerful, inspirational and Spirit (John 3:6). Behind every C&S Hymns, there is always an encounter or experience. People do not just wake up one day and come up with a hymn, it is prompted by an experience they had or the dimension of God they discovered.

Hymns have been in existence many decades ago, when you sing a hymn with an ordinary heart, it will not work out for you but when your Spirit is attuned and you sing with understanding, then you see the power in hymns, will start to see miracles happening, you will be inspired and the mystery behind the hymn will be revealed.

C&S Hymns are ancient hymns that God has manifested himself through. They are either words of prayer or prophesies and that is why it’s not until you pray before things start to happen, when you sing with the whole of your heart and connect to the Spirit of the Lord, miracles beyond expression will happen. Hymns are words of prayer and some Hymns tell us what will happen and give assurances, C&S 466 “Nipa Ife Olugbala, ki yio si nkan”.

The C&S hymns teach and catechize, strengthen and sustain faith, comfort and console, preach and proclaim Christ, give a voice to faith, are a response of thanksgiving to God, carry the confession of the faithful, join music with the Word, interpret Scriptures so that we see Christ and His cross always at the center.

Just like the Holy Bible is full of mysteries and can only be revealed to anyone who understands the mystery and knows the Heart of the Lord, so also are hymns as all hymns given to our Fathers then, also got their back up from the Holy Bible, Hymns are not just for the above listed attributes, also for reproof, correction, repentance as they are also the spoken words of the Lord.

I plead with the C&S members to value what they have, “whatever you don’t value won’t work for you”. It is not about knowing the hymn but to know the power the it carries and tap into it. Hymns can be engaged personally if you understand the Holy Ghost. Gone are the days of crying in and out of sermon because of our hymns, we now clap or beat drums to hymns we need to mediate on like C&S 65 “Elese wa s’orisun na”, 256 “Bi Mo Ti Ri Laisawami”, etc.

Hymns strengthen me, make me stronger and as well give easy asses to the spirit. The average C&S person should not be weak in prayer. The realm the hymns came from, it will take us eternity to explore them.
I will never forget to share one of my encounters with C&S hymns; I was praying with some set of people in the midnight and the Lord opened my eyes and my ear to a line that I have being singing from children ministry but does not have meaning to me “Titi gbogbo ifoju okan, Yio o fi tan laye” “Till Blind in spirit behold light, in this world and that to come” in C&S 84 “Eyin Angel to wa l’orun”. The Lord said he needs people to rise and especially youth to hearken to this command.

Stay with C&S hymns and do not be deceived. I leave you to meditate on C&S 84 “Eyin Angel to wa l’orun”, C&S 437 “Isun kan wa to kun F’eje”, C&S 178 “Iwo mbo wa Oluwa”, C&S 808 “Eyin araye gbo, igba’aye ku si dede”, C&S 361 “Jerusalem t’oruun” and many more.

OJO nla kan ma mbo,

T’ Olusiro y’o de,

Gbogbo eniyan yoo ri,

Ayé yoo wariri.

You need to know the shepherd of the sound/hymn and I pray the Lord brings us to His full dimension. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Col. 3:16


My name is Oguntayo Olamide Olalekan. A student of Olabisi Onabanjo University, studying accounting. My vision for the Cherubim and Seraphim church is to see it grow beyond spiritual unidentified archaic doctrine the church tends to be found doing. Vision to build more on Christ, the only foundation. While the mission is to make people recognize the power in our hymns and the body of Cherubim and Seraphim to be one body with Christ.

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Seraph Penner Paul Adedoyin

Seraph Penner Paul Adedoyin is an Actress, OAP, and a motivational speaker. She loves writing. Favourite Hymn: 803 - Baba Olorisun Ibukun gbogbo.


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