“The Secret Place” By Seraph Adeniyi Adedamola

[KJV] – Psalms 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

The secret place is the place of covering, where a man hides before he appears.

Jesus started his ministry from the temple, he didn’t just cook up a program and tag it “let my people go”. He didn’t just call 1 or 2 people and started showcasing power. There is a process he went through and it’s called: THE SECRET PLACE.

So it means you don’t grow from the outside, you grow from the inside to the outside. Capacity is built from the inner to the outer.

Let’s take for instance a weight lifter, do you know that before there can be a prove of that weight in him, he would have at first start to gather muscle from the inside before the outer parts of him starts to develop? For a man to grow in stature (spiritually), he needs an accurate level of intake of balanced diet.

So, as a believer whatever you want to do, you start from the secret place. You must first settle the secret before longing for the open.

The reason why we have believers birthing immature realities (manifestation) is because they didn’t wait for the TANGIBLE in their secret place, once they get one rhema, they be like: “haaaaa I don arrive”, meanwhile, God is still telling them to wait, but the devil deceived them telling them that “this ones you’ve gotten too is ok, then they leave the secret and come to the open, give little they acquired from the secret place to the people and in a short-while they run out of revelation then leave people with milk and not Strong meat.


The secret place is where you touch heaven

The place of encounter the best place to encounter God is the secret place not the open( that is, your personal experience of God) not what you hear by information but what you got by intimacy

The place where Sons are birthed the secret place transforms and rebirths you into the reality of heaven, the place where sons are sent to terminate and destroy the kingdom of darkness, the place where sons are raised to dominate territories

The place where God is worshipped in the beauty of holiness (psalms 29:2) haaaaa a worshipper is not a singer or a musician, a true worshipper is someone that understands the dynamics of hosting God, someone that changes the atmosphere of a territory with the presence of God(ask David in 1 Samuel 16), someone who operates in heavenly dimensions here on earth. This is the place where God is worshipped wholeheartedly and crazily (but in line with the spirit of God)

The place where deep things of God are captured the hungry ones God is never tired of anointing Men for his works, provided the man is sincerely hungry for God, blessed are they which do hunger and thirst for righteousness and they shall be filled(Matthew 5:6), the level of your hunger is tied to your filling and the level of your filling tied to your outpouring….how hungry are you for the God? How hungry are you for the things of the spirit? How hungry are you the KINGDOM? Are you filled enough for you to pour out and not be exhausted? Or when you pour out the little you’ve then you’re dead? Which of these categories are you.

Now the question is, what are you pouring out, is it the right spirit(spirit of truth from God) or the spirit of error? Your intake determines your outpour, what are you taking in? What have you taken in?(its high time you check and balance) lets unlearn and relearn.

The place where you download mystery from the father the level of your intimacy with God is tired to your knowing and revelation of him, this is the place where secrets are unsealed, unraveled, unlocked, deep things are gotten from the secret and shared in the open as a prove fellowship with God.

The place where you tap into the realities of heaven and bring them to earth.

The place where stature is built.

So as a believer you need to tarry so that you can carry(And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. Luke 24:49)

The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.{psalms 25:14}


Adeniyi Ademola ( Ademola mi)

Adeniyi Ademola(Ademola mi) is a student of olabisi onabanjo university (oou) from Oyo state,
Hobbies: worshipping God through songs, making friends and meeting people, travelling, listening to music, sports

My passion for God and music is second to none(I.e it can’t be compared to anything), I sing to worship God and God only, a true Seraph and a unificationist, been spreading the Gospel through songs, word and prayer.

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Seraph Penner Paul Adedoyin

Seraph Penner Paul Adedoyin is an Actress, OAP, and a motivational speaker. She loves writing. Favourite Hymn: 803 - Baba Olorisun Ibukun gbogbo.

1 comment

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  1. Taiwo Esther Remilekun 4 June, 2019 at 06:06 Reply

    I love this piece. May God help all the gospel singers out there to know the truth about worshipping in spirit. Amen. May God grant you more grace sir

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